Build your wealth, with a little help
You can use the Wealth Shopping Cart in the HSBC India Mobile Banking app to place investment orders. Speak to your Relationship Manager to set your goals and they will help you to complete your orders – all without visiting a branch.
Things you should know
Select products based on risk profile
Risk profile
You can select any product from the cart that suits your risk appetite.
Complete your purchase within 90 days
- Your chosen products will stay in the cart for up to 90 calendar days from the date they were placed in the shopping cart, provided that your financial circumstances don't change
- If your financial situation changes, you should complete a new Risk Profile Questionnaire (RPQ) or goal planning journey.
Change in risk profile
- You might not be able to order certain products if there are any changes in your risk profile, product risk ratings, or to the the goal planner journey or investment journey before the 90 day period.

Get the app
Scan the QR to the left or click to download the HSBC India mobile app and start investing with Wealth Shopping Cart.
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