NRI Home Loans
Get home loan up to INR 40,00,00,0001
Enjoy flexibility of tenure up to 25 years
Get loans for purchase of ready-to-move properties and approved under-construction properties
Transfer your existing home loan to HSBC to reduce Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) or your loan tenure through HSBC's Balance Transfer proposition
Enjoy HSBC Premier globally by taking a home loan greater than INR11,500,000
Enjoy zero repayment and foreclosure charges
Attractive interest rates starting at
8.40% p.a.*
Fixed rates.
13.25% p.a.
Visit 'fees and charges page' for more details.
For further details, please reach out to your Relationship Manager.
NRI Loan Against Property (LAP)
Get loan against property up to INR 40,00,00,0001
Enjoy flexibility of tenure up to 15 years
Transfer your existing Loan Against Property (LAP) to HSBC to reduce EMI or the loan tenure through HSBC's Balance Transfer proposition
Enjoy HSBC Premier globally by taking LAP greater than INR11,500,000
Enjoy zero prepayment and foreclosure charges
Attractive Interest Rates starting at
9.25% p.a.*
Fixed rates.
14.00% p.a.
Visit fees and charges page for more details.
For further details, please reach out to your Relationship Manager.
NRI applicants must have a local co-applicant or a local contact person to be eligible.
US Persons can also avail a Non-resident Indian (NRI) Home Loan or a NRI Loan Against Property (LAP) subject to the repayment of the loan from the income generated in India. The repayment of the loan will have to be through a Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account. For more details, please speak to your Relationship Manager.
United Kingdom residents can also avail HSBC NRI Home Loans and NRI Loan Against Property in India subject to compliance with the UK regulations. For more details, please speak to your Relationship Manager.
To qualify for a NRI Home Loan/LAP from HSBC, the following criteria apply:
- Minimum net income INR500,000 p.a. (salaried)2
- Minimum age (in years) 21
- Maximum age (in years) on maturity of loans 58 (salaried), or 60 (public limited/government employees)
- Minimum loan amount INR300,0001 (for NRI Home Loans)
- Maximum loan amount INR 40,00,00,0001 (for NRI LAP)
- Maximum tenure (in years) 25
You would need to insure your property with an insurance company against loss by fire, earthquake, floods and other damages with The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, India, as the beneficiary.
*The mentioned floating rate of interest is being offered for Home Loans. The rate applicable for other variants (Smart Home Loan. Loan against Property and Smart Loan against Property) will be at a premium. This rate is applicable only for Balance Transfer/Balance Transfer + Top-up up.
- Top-up up to 50% of base loan at same rate as base loan rate
- Top-up of more than 50% of the base loan will attract a premium of up to 50 bps above the base loan rate
1The minimum and maximum loan depends on customer’s relationship with HSBC, city of property and property type. Loan amount of upto INR 40,00,00,000 only for existing HSBC Global private bank customers for properties in Mumbai/Delhi/Bengaluru, upto INR 200,000,000 for properties in Pune, Hyderabad and Chennai, and upto INR 150,000,000 for other locations. For HSBC Premier customer maximum loan amount of INR150,000,000 for properties in Mumbai/Delhi and INR 100,000,000 for all other sourcing cities for ready and under construction properties. For other customers loan amount of upto INR100,000,000 for ready and under-construction properties in Mumbai, New Delhi (NCR), and INR75,000,000 for ready and under construction properties in Bengaluru, Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Kolkata (however we do not fund under construction property in Kolkata). The minimum agreement and market value of the property to be funded for Mumbai and Delhi is INR2,500,000 and for all other sourcing cities is INR1,500,000.
2To meet the minimum income criteria, income of two salaried applicants can be clubbed.