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Spend wisely

Father and son looking up the sky with binoculars; image used for HSBC Spend wisely article

When you have competing demands for your money, it can be hard to make good decisions about what to buy and how to spend.

You may find it helps to put your expenses into Needs, Wants and Savings or Reducing debts.


These are the unavoidable costs that help to keep you and your loved ones safe, warm and fed. They include your mortgage or rent, food shopping, utilities, transport, as well as minimum payments on loans and borrowing. Remember to include any tax you owe, unless it has already been deducted from your salary by your employer.


These are all the things you spend money on that are not absolutely essential. They include meals out, going to the cinema, new clothes, gym membership, holidays and concert tickets.

Savings or reducing debts

Savings might be for emergencies, short-term goals (like a holiday) or longer-term plans (such as retirement). Debts include any debt repayments you make each month, in addition to any minimum payment requirement.


When you make decisions that involve spending it's a good idea to keep these 3 categories in mind. If you notice that you are spending too much in any single category, it could be an indicator that you need to adjust your spending habits.


HSBC found that 68% of Indian Millennial's are prepared to cut back on their expenses in order to save for their long-term future.

Financial wellbeing

Father and son playing in the park; image used for HSBC Build emergency savings article
Put money away for the unexpected
A woman talking on the phone; image used for HSBC India Avoid excessive borrowing article
Excessive borrowing is any amount of debt that you can't comfortably manage. There are several signs to look out for.
A man managing online banking; image used for HSBC India Manage existing debt article
Smarter ways to reduce what you owe.


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