E-commerce offers

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Offer valid until 31 March 2025
Travel offers
Electronics offers

Save up to INR 5,000 on a wide range of appliances and electronic gadgets when you buy them on a Saturday or Sunday.
T&C apply.
Offer valid till 31 March 2025.

Reliance Digital
Save up to INR 3,000 on electronics when you shop at Reliance Digital, My Jio Stores and JioMart Digital.
Offer valid until 31 March 2025.
Dining and entertainment offers

Enjoy buy-one-get-one-free movie tickets when you book your ticket with an HSBC credit card on a Saturday.
Offer valid until 31 March 2025.

Limited period offers

Offers for HSBC Visa Cardholders.
Valid on both HSBC Credit & Debit Cards.
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Credit cards
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7 great ways to use your extra cash
Don't flush away your extra cash. Whether it's a tax refund or annual bonus, here're 7 ways on how you can keep it, and 3 ways not to.

Travelling often? Get a credit card to make the most out of your trips
If your business or wanderlust takes you city-hopping in India and abroad, then take a travel credit card with you.